It’s okay, we know.

You’d love to spend an evening at the barn rather than dressed up at a fancy restaurant. In fact, you’re probably more likely to buy horse treats instead of chocolates, plan trail rides instead of dates, and bail on human interaction more often than you’d care to admit. Let’s face it, your horse makes the best Valentine.

You put so much time, energy, and love into your horses. At Ecogold, we also believe in putting the horse first. Here are some things you can do to show your one true love how much you really care.

Invest in equipment that prioritizes your horse. An ill fitting saddle or a pad that slips can cause pain and discomfort. Make your 4-legged partner feel their best by investing in good quality, well fitted equipment. Many of our Ecogold saddle pads – like the Flip Half Pad – are shimmable, meaning you can adjust your pad to exactly what your horse needs. How’s that for love?

Have a grooming routine that not only gets rid of obvious mud spots and stains, but gives you time to connect with your horse. A good grooming session can increase blood flow, massage sore muscles, and help you find any hidden injuries or heat. It’ll also make your horse’s coat look shinier, healthier, and can improve blood circulation- guaranteeing that your horse will feel the love.

Treat your horse to something special. We all know the way to your horse’s heart is through their stomach (and maybe that’s true of your human significant other, too). While you can’t give them chocolates, think outside the box- many horses like bananas, watermelons, pumpkins, or even coconuts. Fun and unique treats can taste good, stimulate horses’ brains… and bribe them into loving you back.

Give them independence and the chance to socialize with friends. Your horse will be happier and more willing to work with you under saddle if their social needs are met. Allow them time to groom, play, and interact with other horses, and you’ll see a definite difference in your horse’s attitude. Don’t be clingy- you’ll always be their most important person!