When you’re in the show ring, it’s all about the partnership between horse and rider. Riding is typically considered an individual sport, after all. However, it’s nearly impossible for anyone to make it to horse showing level completely alone. It takes many other people to make the best ride come together. Here are a few underrated members of the equestrian dream team. 



It’s undeniable that parents play an integral role in developing young athletes. But let’s face it: you’re never too old to have mom and dad on the sidelines. They motivate, encourage, and cheer you on at any age. They’re there for both the wins and the failures. For a lot of riders, family is their first support team, from ponies to Grand Prix. Who else would take shaky videos, have pockets filled with horse treats, and bring a huge thermos of coffee?



You might have a 5am wakeup call on show day, but there’s one person who will always be there first- your horse’s groom. Not only do they ensure your horse prepped for the ring on the day of competition, but they do an incredible amount behind the scenes. They’re the first to get there and the last to leave, responsible for feeding, mucking, cleaning, lunging, coordinating, packing, braiding… and more than we can even list. Grooms are indisputably the backbone of the horse show world and the ultimate dream team member. 


Vets & farriers

Often overlooked in acknowledgments, your vet and farrier will always have your horse’s back. Keeping the better half of your team happy, healthy and performing at their peak is no easy feat. Never mind when you have to make a panicked call to your farrier the night before a show because your horse pulled a shoe, or the midnight colic scare your vet showed up for. From day-to-day maintenance, to emergencies, to specialized care, your horse’s healthcare providers set the bar for dedication and skill.