A simple white saddle pad is the standard for horse shows. It’s tidy, clean, and professional. At home, there aren’t as many rules. You might school with a square pad, a half pad, or even a colorful matching set. But if you practice in one kind of equipment at home and another at the horse show, does it make a difference?

Yes. Swapping out a carefully fitted half pad for a rarely-used show pad can do more than throw off your game. It can cause soreness, saddle slipping, or even a more serious back injury.

Michelle Skawronski is an equine massage therapist, and says that using the same tack for shows and schooling is not only helpful, but essential.

“Putting a different pad on your horse for a show is like breaking in a new shoe for a running race,” she says. “Consistency in saddle fit will affect how the horse can move and perform comfortably.”

Michelle says that if you use a half pad in lessons, you should use one in the ring, and that a shimmable pad is an important factor in getting the right fit. Ecogold’s pads are made with impact protection and customizable shimming to adjust to each horse’s individual needs.

“A sore back is one of the more common issues or complaints I get” she says. “Your saddle pad can be a great benefit to prevent issues like back soreness.”

However, horse shows are rooted in tradition – impeccable turnout is a must and a clean, simple white pad is the status quo.

Ecogold’s white on white Flip Pad Matte offers the subtlety you need in the show ring without sacrificing your horse’s comfort. It can easily fit on top of a shaped pad, and its sleek white colour means that it will be barely noticeable and exactly what the judge wants to see (or not see).

You put so much effort into choosing the right equipment for the horse. That shouldn’t stop when it comes to your saddle pad.