You can’t sleep the night before a big event, you barely eat the day of competition, you get pre-class jitters- sound familiar? Stress is a normal response to pressure. But when an important ride is on the line, it can get in the way of that winning round. Let’s look at the three best ways to manage stress levels while showing or training.

Get physical

What comes first, mental health or physical health? The truth is, both are closely intertwined. Regular physical activity can help manage stress by reducing cortisol levels in your body. But don’t stress yourself out with a rigid gym schedule. Take up gardening, try a yoga class, or spend a bit more time with the curry comb the next time you’re grooming your horse.  

Develop positive habits

Inconsistent sleeping and eating habits can cause digestive problems, exhaustion, headaches, and emotional responses. By eating and sleeping consistently, you develop better habits and manage stress better. Pack meals in advance, have a set time to wind down at the end of the day, and prioritize sticking to your plan.

Use equipment that you trust

Nothing says “stressful” more than something going wrong on show day. Equipment breaking, saddle slipping, or bad weather conditions can all make it hard to get your head in the game. To reduce stress on the big day, know that you have equipment that you can trust, like an Ecogold saddle pad. Ecogold’s Secure pads use non-slip technology which ensures that your saddle will stay in place for a safe, competitive ride, even in the worst conditions.